Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Inilah Foto Rumah Sederhana Kate dan Philippa Middleton yang Dilelang

12 Foto Rumah Sederhana Kate dan Philippa Middleton yang Dilelang
Setelah melihat foto-foto di bawah ini, saya menjadi berpikir bahwa rumah yang pernah kita tinggali banyak kemungkinan akan menentukan karakter kita dikemudian hari. Lihat foto rumah sederhana ini (sangat sederhana kalau di Inggris), di sinilah Kate Middleton dan adiknya Philippa tinggal sampai diusia 13 tahun.
Sekarang rumah itu dilelang dengan harga £ 495,000 (pound sterling) yang sebelum dibeli dengan harga 34.000 pound sterling pada tahun 1979. Dan para kolektor benda antik sangat antusias. Di mana letak nilai jualnya? Apakah faktor historis? Namun sekarang Kate telah menjadi putri kerajaan Inggris dengan panggilan Catherine Middleton dan gelar Duchess of Cambridge.
Happy family: kate, left, and pippa, pictured with their father mike in jordan
Jane fryer with estate agent dudley singleton in front of the former middleton home in bradfield southend near reading, berkshire
Fit for a princess: the much larger bedroom that kate was able to move into once she was lightly older
Cramped: kate's first bedroom was so small that she would have needed to bend down to see out of the window. she moved out of the room when she was older
Bijou charm: the somewhat cramped kitchen where kate and pippa's meals would have been prepared
Simple: the modestly decorated family bathroom at the quaint home where the middleton's lived until kate was 13
Cosy: an open brick fire place and a set of stairs were the main features of the small living room, which has now has wooden floors added
Chance for a bargain? a sign outside the 'pretty, late victorian' home gives details of the auction on june 3 in which it will be sold
Play time: a small room on the side of the building overlooks the back garden where the two sisters would have played

Secluded: the middletons used a large shed in their garden as an office, away from the main house where was not enough room for their growing business
Shabby: slight water damage and bits of mould can now be seen inside the office, which would have been in better condition when the middletons used it
Peaceful: the house may be small on the inside, but it has a large garden full of trees where kate would no doubt have spent many house
source all picture from dailymail

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