Kamis, 21 April 2011

Cut Tari in residence searched by police

Cut Tari in residence searched by police
Cut Tari in residence searched by police | Police had raided the residence of the artist's Cut Tari. However, police did not find the lingerie and other evidence related to the case of the porn video at home. Head of Police Headquarters Kombes Marwoto passenger stated that he has searched the residence revealed Cut Tari in the area of Pondok Kelapa, East Jakarta. The search was conducted on Thursday. "Not found any evidence there,"

Still related cases that pornographic videos, the investigation team Jabar Police Headquarters and Police have also searched the Ariel Peterpan house in Jalan Antapani Tanjungsari No. 58 Bandung, on Sunday night, Ariel Peterpan room forced open. Cupboard was searched and mattresses were appointed. Police search for Ariel Peterpan laptop in the room, but found none. The search home of former Peterpan vocalist of it lasts for 30 minutes.

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